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The Better Together Ball

Posted on | By perth.admin

On July 25th, The Better Together Ball was held in collaboration with the Indian Ocean Defence & Security (IODS) conference. IODS was presented by Defence West and the Western Australian Department of Jobs, along with organiser AMDA Foundation Limited.

Legacy WA would like to thank the AMDA Foundation for their efforts in ensuring the event ran smoothly and making it such a memorial evening. Thank you to our event sponsors who made our event possible – L3 Harris (Platinum Sponsor), Built Australia, Deloitte, JFD, Northrop Grumman, SSI and Synergy Group. The Better Together Ball is a major fundraising activation for Legacy WA, we appreciate the support from our community to make this successful.

We are excited to bring The Better Together Ball back in 2025, watch this space for details.


Perth Admin
Perth Admin