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17-year-old Noah’s face lights up with pride when he speaks about his father, Duncan. As an Australian Army infantry officer in the 6th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, Duncan served with honour for nine years, including active service in Iraq. His commitment to the nation instils a deep sense of pride in Noah, who cherishes the legacy of courage and service that runs through his family.

Tragically, Noah was only 12 when his father passed away from bone cancer at the age of 40. For Noah, this meant the loss of not just a parent, but also a close companion. Their treasured moments—hiking together, camping trips where they caught yabbies and cooked jaffles over an open fire, and the magical Christmases filled with playful antics—would now remain only as bittersweet memories. Adding to this challenge is Noah’s daily battle with cystic fibrosis, a serious health condition that he manages with bravery and determination.

In the wake of Duncan’s death, Noah faced the profound grief of losing his father, a journey that no child should have to undertake alone. That’s when Legacy stepped in, guiding Noah through his darkest days with support.

Noah was introduced to his volunteer Legatee, Ross, who has become a vital figure in his life. Over the years, Ross has not only provided mentorship but has also facilitated access to various forms of assistance, from counselling referrals to attending youth camps and receiving a Legacy Education Grant. Noah describes Ross as “a mentor and a friend,” reflecting the deep bond they’ve formed.

Noah and his Legatee Ross


Now in his final year of secondary school, Noah is focused on his future aspirations of becoming a paramedic. He credits much of his grounded approach to life to the mentorship he has received from Ross.

“I feel privileged to be a part of the Legacy family,” Noah shares, expressing gratitude for the ways in which Legacy has helped him navigate the challenges of growing up without his father, alongside managing his health condition.

Noah’s mother, Florence, acknowledges the profound impact Legacy has had on both her and Noah’s lives.

“Legacy’s support helped Noah stay connected with his dad’s experiences in the army and interests, thus helping him engage with an important part of his heritage,” she says.

The family weekends organised by Legacy offered Noah a safe space, surrounded by other children who shared similar experiences of loss.

Noah and his mother Florence

Through this network of support, Noah has gained not just stability, but also a sense of belonging. Ross has been a strong male role model, offering safety, kindness, and a structured routine of learning through various activities.

As Noah prepares to take the next steps in his education, he reflects on how Legacy has shaped his journey.

“I believe my dad would be very grateful for all Legacy has done for me,” he says, underscoring the lasting impact of the organisation in his life.

In a world where many young Australians face significant challenges, Noah’s story is a testament to the resilience that can emerge from support and connection. Thanks to the ongoing commitment of those involved with Legacy, young individuals like Noah continue to receive the encouragement they need to thrive.

Noah is determined to honour his father’s legacy by pursuing his dreams and helping others, just as his father once did. With each step he takes, he carries forward the spirit of service and love that Duncan instilled in him, making both his father and the Legacy family proud.

Help Legacy keep our promise


Support people like Noah by donating to Legacy today. Young people like Noah need your support. Your kindness will ensure they get the help they need in order to thrive.

How to get involved

Legatees are Legacy’s most dedicated volunteers. They commit to supporting families and build deep personal relationships to help them thrive.

Legatee relationships are crucial to helping our beneficiaries, like Noah, move forward from grief and loss when they need it most.


Join the 11 day Legacy Challenge

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Your mission is to get forces fit from November 1-11.

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