Young families & children
From the time of bereavement, Legacy is on hand to provide practical and emotional support. A Legatee will be allocated to assist and mentor the family.
Find out moreThe work of Legacy is felt in the living rooms in neighbourhoods all across the country.
Many families have seen their loved ones leave our shores to serve in wars from World War 1 and World War 2, to Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Many never made the journey home and others returned bearing the physical and mental scars of war.
Legacy supports those families who have lost a Veteran after serving our nation. All are equally deserving of our respect and support for the sacrifices their families have made for their country.
Whilst no one can replace a loved one, the work of Legacy can assist with providing after school care for the child of a young widow who needs to work to support her family; allow a widow to live her senior years at home with dignity and without social isolation, or provide a veteran’s child with uniforms, buy school books and support them to pursue a tertiary education.
Nationally, Legacy supports our veterans’ families through the help and dedication of volunteers and local communities.
Dedicated Legatees
working every day.
Active clubs across Australia
and 1 in London.
Years of service to
our cause.
Veterans’ families currently
receiving support.
Legacy was founded in 1923 by a small group of World War I veterans. They believed they had to accept a legacy of responsibility for the welfare of the wives and children of their comrades who were killed in the war or died subsequently.
Legacy has met that commitment over the intervening years and continues to deliver some of the stability, guidance and assistance that a partner would normally provide to his or her family.
The Spirit of Legacy is Service, and the key element is the personal contact which is maintained by individual Legatees with those widow(er)s and other dependants whom they assist.
It is this personal contact that makes Legacy care special and gives the work of Legacy its unique character.
Legacy cares for 40,000 veterans’ families, including widows in their senior years, younger widows with children, and veterans’ dependents with a disability. With over 3400 volunteers, Legacy strives to ensure that those in their care can fully realise their potential.
Legacy cares for more than 30,000 beneficiaries including 1,400 children and youth (0-26 years) and 900 beneficiaries with a disability.
From the time of bereavement, Legacy is on hand to provide practical and emotional support. A Legatee will be allocated to assist and mentor the family.
Find out moreWe try to help as many people as we can, however our services do differ in different parts of Australia and specific criteria must be met. This is determined by each Club of Legacy.
Your support will touch the lives of partners and children of veterans, and honour the service of their loved ones who served our nation.