Hobart Legacy
Within Southern Tasmania Hobart Legacy Incorporated (which encompasses an area from Queenstown through Oatlands to just south of St. Helens) provides services to around 600 Legacy beneficiaries including 24 children.
About Us
Club History
Legacy was founded in Hobart as The Remembrance Club in March 1923 by MAJGEN Sir John Gellibrand and renamed Hobart Legacy in 1944. In 2024 we celebrate our 101st year of continuous operation in the service of the dependents of deceased veterans.
Legacy was originally established to help the widows and children of servicemen killed during the first World War.
We were there after World War II, Korea, Malaysia, Borneo, Vietnam, the Gulf Wars, Peacekeeping operations, Iraq and Afghanistan.
And we are still here, devoting attention to the widows, widowers and children of incapacitated and deceased veterans.
Hobart Legacy currently cares for just under 550 widows/ers and 24 children in Southern Tasmania.
You can find our offices at 159 Macquarie Street, Hobart.
Our staffed hours are Monday to Friday, 9am – 4pm.

Legacy Members (Legatees)
The most important assistance we offer to each beneficiary is the commitment and help provided by their Legatee Adviser and we stand proudly by our principle of carrying out all work voluntarily with donations streamed to the direct benefit of our beneficiaries.
Currently our club has 65 members who are responsible for looking after almost 600 widows and children across Southern Tasmania. But we can always use more help. Membership enquiries are most welcome, please contact us via email [email protected], phone 6234-6581 or drop in to see us at Legacy House, 159 Macquarie Street Hobart.
Membership is open to any person who is motivated to help the ex-service community.

Hobart Legacy Board Members 2024 to 2025
The Hobart Legacy Annual General Meeting was held on Tuesday August 20th, 2024. The Secretary declared the following Legatees to office for 2024/25.


Senior Vice President



Junior Vice President

Elected Member of the Board

Elected Member of the Board