London Legacy
London Legacy is a charity providing services to families who reside in Europe and the United Kingdom and are suffering after the injury or death of a spouse or parent during or after their Australian defence force service.
About Us
Introducing London Legacy
London Legacy is dedicated to supporting the families of incapacitated and deceased Australian veterans who reside in Europe and the United Kingdom.
London Legacy supports over40 widows of Australian service personnel in the UK and Europe.
The support for widows and families provided by London Legacy comes in many forms, including practical assistance in such matters as accommodation, medical, legal and general welfare. The support provided by London Legacy is deserved and earned through the service already provided by the family’s service personnel.
London Legacy E-Newsletter December 2019
London Legacy’s newsletter is published for the enjoyment of our widows and families as well as for Legatees and our supporters. This issue includes the Story of the Tomb of The Unknown Warrior.
London Legacy E-Newsletter June 2020
London Legacy’s newsletter is published for the enjoyment of our widows and families as well as for Legatees and our supporters. This issue includes a story on The Unknown Australian soldier.