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Canberra Legacy

The Legacy Club of Canberra supports the families of deceased and incapacitated veterans in the Australian Capital Territory and the Yass-Boorowa district.

The Legacy Club Canberra supports the families of deceased and incapacitated veterans in the Australian Capital Territory and Yass-Boorowa district. It provides practical support by offering ongoing personal contact, understanding, peer support, social inclusion, welfare and financial assistance where necessary, advocacy and information in relation to entitlements. It also provides no-cost respite accommodation at the coast for families for a week at a time.

For children and young adults up to 25 years old and in full time education, Legacy can provide assistance with education, training and tuition; outings and activities with other children in like circumstances as well as opportunities to participate in well-organised camps and expeditions.

Legacy’s family focus is unique, as is the personal contact between members of Legacy (Legatees) and those they support.  It is this personal contact that makes Legacy support special and rewarding for all involved.

Canberra Legacy currently supports more than 750 Beneficiaries—widow(er)s, children and people living with a disability. Many of our more than 120 volunteers (40% of them are women) are veterans themselves or have a veteran in their family. Our work is funded by donations from the community.   The Club is a charity registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission.

Who we support.  Legacy provides support for the dependants of veterans who served in war and other operational areas (including peacekeeping) and who died on service or subsequently, or have been incapacitated by their service.

Our Strategic Plan. The Canberra Legacy Strategic Plan 2021-2026 is available from the Executive Officer at Legacy House at [email protected].

How do I join? Please contact Canberra Legacy on 02 6285 1800 or by email to [email protected]. We will take some details, answer your questions and, if appropriate, seek a mutually convenient time to meet with you to complete an application for you to join Legacy as a Beneficiary, Legatee or a Friend of Legacy.

Not all our volunteers are Legatees.  If you have expertise that can assist Legacy, e.g., maintenance, publishing, IT, business etc, or time to assist with fundraising, we will welcome you as a Friend of Legacy. Friends do not engage with Beneficiaries directly and contribute according to the time they can commit.

Seeking support?

Icon family

Supported 800 families

We provide social and financial help to widows/widowers and dependants in the Canberra and Yass/Boorowa region

Icon Relieving financial hardship

Provided social
outings for 850

We provide a range of social activities, outings and concerts for our beneficiaries

Icon Social connection services

Assisted 60 Legacy

We provide a range of assistance and social activities for Youth in the ACT and from around Australia


 We are grateful for these organisations whose generous support helps Canberra Legacy provide our essential services:

Foundation Partner





Major Sponsors

    ACT Veterans’ Rugby Club Adobe Aspen Medical LDK
    Lockheed Martin Microsoft QinetiQ Thales Group



Capital Chemist Crown Management Consultants
Forge Advisory Kongsberg
Raytheon Viden Consulting
Wilde and Woollard Consultants



ACT Government ADF Joint Cyber Unit
Australian Defence Force Academy Australia’s Federation Guard
Australian War Memorial Band of the Royal Military College
Botanics on Jardine Bunnings
Defence Housing Australia Department of Veterans’ Affairs 
Military Personnel Division Nitro
Remount Royal Canberra Golf Club
RPS Group State Emergency Service
Yowani Country Club



CEA Technologies 3 colour logo
Omni logo

Get Involved

Join our community and take action to support Legacy’s vision. There are so many ways to get involved.