Our Centenary – 2023
Join us on our journey to remember the last 100 years, and hear our plans for the next 100.

Join us on the journey!
The Legacy Centenary Torch Relay 2023, presented by Defence Health started on 23 April 2023 in Pozières France.
After travelling through London, which is the only Legacy Club outside of Australia, the Torch will travel to all 44 Legacy Clubs in Australia.
Legacy Australia is calling for volunteers around Australia to assist on the day with local Relays.
For more information and for volunteer applications visit www.legacytorchrelay.com.au or download the Legacy Centenary Torch Relay mobile app.

Legacy flame receives a royal welcome
We were honoured to have His Majesty The King join us at the official start of the London leg of the Legacy Centenary Torch Relay at Buckingham Palace.
Our beneficiaries, veterans and volunteers from London Legacy were delighted to have the support of His Majesty in marking our 100th year.

Call out for historical assets
Can you help us with bringing the stories of our Legacy beneficiaries to life? Has Legacy been helping your family for generations?
We are on the lookout for treasured letters and captivating photographs that showcase the Legacy of our work.
Click below to share your story with us.

100 years of Keeping the Promise.
In the trenches of the Western Front during World War I, a soldier said to his dying mate “I’ll look after the missus and kids”. This became known as The Promise.
Realising the dire circumstances of the tens of thousands of veterans, widows and children left behind, those who returned set out to help them. In 1923, Major General Sir John Gellibrand formed the Remembrance Club in Hobart. Another returning soldier, Lieutenant General Sir Stanley Savige, was inspired to establish a similar club in Melbourne which was named Legacy.
In responding to the needs of families of veterans for 100 years, Legacy, in conjunction with the network of Legacy Clubs throughout regional and metropolitan Australia, stands proudly as the only veteran service organisation in Australia dedicated solely to the care and support of our veterans’ families.
The Governor-General’s Anzac Day message
The Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC has highlighted Legacy and the work we do in supporting our veterans’ families in his Anzac Day message.
We’d like to thank His Excellency for this wonderful message in our centenary year. Thank you also to the incredible beneficiaries for sharing their stories.

A congratulatory message from His Majesty The King
We are honoured to have received a congratulatory message from His Majesty The King on the occasion of Legacy’s 100th anniversary.
The Royal family have supported our work for many decades and we are delighted that His Majesty continues to appreciate the work Legacy does to support veterans’ families.

The Legacy Centenary Torch Relay
The commemorative event for The Legacy Centenary 2023 is:
THE LEGACY CENTENARY TORCH RELAY 2023, presented by Defence Health.
After beginning in Pozieres, France on 23 April, the Centenary Torch will travel to London and then all 44 Legacy Clubs in Australia.
The Torch Bearers involved in the Relay all have some connection to Legacy or Defence.
Join us when the Torch comes to an area near you.
Our app partner Accenture has made it possible for you to track the Torch throughout its journey. To stay up to date on where the Torch will be next, download the Legacy 100th Torch Relay app. Available on iOS and Android.
News and Events across Australia
Find out what is happening in your area and how your local Legacy Club is marking their Centenary.
To find your local Club and contact them directly, visit legacy.com.au/clubs.

Download the Legacy Relay App
Download our official Legacy 100 Years Torch Relay mobile app to be part of the journey. Through this exclusive app you will be able to find out more information about The Legacy Centenary Torch Relay 2023 presented by Defence Health, follow the torch relay journey and make a donation.
Download today by searching “Legacy 100th Torch Relay” on the App Store or Google Play.
Partners and Supporters
We are most grateful to our Presenting Partner – Defence Health and our major supporters without whose contributions, both financially and in-kind, the Legacy Centenary would not be able to go ahead.
Presenting Partner

Major supporting partners
Legacy Leading Lights
These corporates have committed support to get our Centenary project off the ground.

Fundraise for Legacy
From BBQs to morning teas, there are so many ways to support the families of our fallen and injured veterans. Legacy relies heavily on community support, and a large portion of this is from fundraising events and activities involving dedicated people like you.
Or, fundraising in memory or celebration of a loved one can make a lasting and meaningful impact in their name. What we will gain from your fundraising efforts is invaluable, and for that, we cannot thank you enough for your support.

Become a Volunteer
There are so many ways to get involved and help Legacy keep the promise to the families of those who served our country.
Many of our programs and services depend on volunteers, to enable us to continue to make a difference to the lives of these families.
Get involved
You can get involved with Legacy in a number of ways – by donating, fundraising, or volunteering in one of our 44 Clubs across Australia or 1 in London.
About Legacy

Supporting the families of our veterans
In 1923 Legacy made a promise to help veterans’ families carry on with their lives after the loss or injury of their loved one. It was a simple promise that Legacy keeps today; providing the same stability, guidance and assistance that a partner would normally provide to his or her family.
Today, Legacy supports 43,000 partners and children of veterans who gave their lives or health serving our country.

Support our veterans’ families
With your help, we can continue to support families who come to us in their darkest moment and give hope to provide them with a new life.